Find the best linking partner
and build the best team!
Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle is a free-to-play mobile game based on the Dragon Ball franchise.

This is a free tool that helps you find the best linking partner for any character you want, so that you can build your team.

Step 1: Find the character you want.
Step 2: Click on the character icon
Step 3: View the characters with common links and click on a character icon for more details
Latest characters added
Decisive Showdown Super Saiyan BardocklrType AGL
The Outcome of Repeated Tragedy Super Saiyan BardockurType AGL
New Battle in Another World BardockssrType AGL
Rapid Offense and Defense Krillin (Youth)ssrType TEQ
Exciting and Heart-Pounding Adventure Goku (Youth)urType AGL
The Beginning of the Story Goku (Youth)ssrType AGL
Impetuous Maiden Chi-Chi (Youth)urType INT
Ox King's Daughter Chi-Chi (Youth)ssrType INT
Thoroughly Refined Strength Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta (Mini) (DAIMA)urType PHY
Evolution Attained through Training Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta (Mini) (DAIMA)ssrType PHY
Demon King's Great Wish Demon King Piccolo (Elder)lrType AGL
Companion from the Old Days Goku (Mini) (DAIMA)urType PHY
Breathing and Timing in Unison Trunks (Kid) + Goten (Kid)urType PHY
Unprecedented Miracle Super Saiyan Vegeta (Angel) + Super Saiyan Goku (Angel)lrType AGL
Fighter Entrusted with Fate Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth)lrType PHY
Universe 7's Final Will to Fight Frieza (Final Form) (Angel) + GokulrType INT
Incomparable Radiance Super Saiyan Goku + Super Saiyan Vegeta (Angel)lrType TEQ
Ultimate Saiyan Power Roar Super Saiyan 3 Goku (GT) (Golden Giant Ape)lrType AGL
Fight to Protect Pride and Keep Oaths Super Saiyan God SS Evolved VegetalrType STR
You may be also interested in
Quest for the Dragon Balls Goku (Youth)urType PHY
Divine Warriors with Infinite Power Super Saiyan God Goku & 
Super Saiyan God VegetalrType TEQ
Saiyan Warriors with Ultimate Power Super Saiyan 4 Goku & Super Saiyan 4 VegetalrType PHY
Furious Last Resort Vegeta (Giant Ape)lrType TEQ
Wielder of Thunder Magic GloriourType PHY
Battle for the Dragon Balls in the Demon Realm Super Saiyan Goku (Mini) (DAIMA)urType INT
Death Match for World Domination Piccolo Jr. (Giant Form)urType INT
Awakening of the Prince VegetaurType TEQ
Newfound Power Beyond the Ultimate Gohan (Beast)lrType STR
[UPDATE]: Suggested characters have been added!
[UPDATE]: Taciturne asked for it, you got it! You can now see the total of stats gained from links!
* Another tool is available! You can find the common characters between categories.
** Only characters that share 2 or more common links will appear.
*** Only global version is supported. You won't be able to search for japanese exclusive characters.

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